Sunday, July 6, 2008

Gf schmee f

Well, it appears we are attempting gfcf again. For those who aren't too familiar, gfcf is a gluten free/casein free diet.  Trust me it's hard enough going gf you add in the cf and it certainly feels like the proverbial cluster feck.

Why?  There truly is anecdotal evidence (and increasingly scientific too) that a gfcf diet can help ASD children in both behaviour and health.  Jake (8 is what they call a high functioning autistic, although I prefer to say, "This is my son Jake, he loves pirates and adventure books, he is a size 2 in shoes....oh and he has autism."  

Well we tried this blasted diet two years ago and me being me went all bipolar manic gung ho into it; poor Jake was thrown to the gfcf wolves cold turkey (which btw, not one to waste irony is also a gfcf food:). Obviously it didn't go well, if it had I wouldn't f'n well be here blogging about my failure otherwise.  This time we are going veeeeeery slowly.  A little at a time and if we have a hiccup (as today when cheese ended up on his burger) I do not self flagellate and wander around the house wearing sackcloth and shoving barbwire into my thigh, (I save that one for special occasions;)

We had been weaning casein for the last few weeks and started with gluten, but it was time to go to the next level and make the "TRIP!"  So we packed all three boogers into the van, drove to Trader Joes to pick up a few wee items it was time to get and guess what trader Joe's have bugger all!!!!  Oh sure there's the nod to gluten free living with two very shallow shelves of cereal and bread that could as easily be used as a decent weapon in a prison break, but other than that nada.  We were specifically looking for flour (rice, potato etc).  I did eventually after much rooting around gouda and some dodgy looking bluish-green curd unearth some soy cheese; triumphant in my treasure find I bounded out the door, certain I could make something from it.  'Course not; feckin' thing has casein in it.  Why the hell call it soy, act as if it's soy and then muck it up by throwing dairy back into it.  More fool the poor vegans out there, happily chowing down on their soy cheese and granola crackers 'cause you're not a vegan anymore....ha!!!!  So there's $7 worth of cheese laughing hysterically at me from the behind the little window of the fridge that ironically says dairy....sigh.  Ah sure, who wants gfcf pizza anyway!!?

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