Friday, March 6, 2009

Dropping in for some Thomas tea

Anyone who knows anything about autism knows that fixations and obsessions are part and parcel of the lifestyle.  Both boys have had a slew of obsessions over the years.  Now I don't mean they are "into" a superhero for a few weeks/months, I mean Jake has had a long winded love affair with all things Star Wars for a good four years now and John still has a fondness for power rangers (well, lining them up in complicated floor art more likely; don't snigger I have pictures).  

So, they have their big obsessions but there is still room for mini fixations.  Think of it like the best friend that is always over to play, but the mini interests are distant cousins that only pop over for tea from time to time but when they are there the boys are equally enthused with them.  Jake's first "interest" was as with 90% of ASD's Thomas the Tank Engine.  I do not know what spell that flippin' train can cast over spectrum kids, but he's like crack to them.  Once they get the first hit....forget it.

Jake was a Thomas nut until Star Wars entered his life Christmas day 2004 in the form of the original trilogy (which actually was a gift to me, but try telling that to Jake at the time).  Thomas slowly dissolved and had to concede to Luke and Han.  So, please tell me now why four years later Jake is once again wandering around the house with a bag of his old Thomas trains and is watching the movie repeatedly???  Why the sudden peaked interest?  Where the hell have Luke and Jabba the Hut fucked off to, and why oh why did I keep those trains in that box for the last four years.  

Oh yes, because I KNEW this day was coming when his old friend would pop over for tea, just took him four years to get here; well best put the kettle on, might be a short stay...maybe?!!.

1 comment:

One Sick Mother said...

You have been tagged, my dear.